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 Who We Are and What We do

Reel Easy Video

Reel Easy Video Is dedicated to helping small business owners gain an online marketing advantage by helping you create high quality videos to market yourself or your products.


Reel Easy Video will do all the work  to help you build a successful video email campaign or create video content for your website.  We can also create a traditional media ad campaign or consult with you to help you create your own content.   We will work with you every step of the way.  We offer a variety of products to fit every budget.


If you need further proof of how video is changing the online environment just look at Facebook. Prior to about a year ago Facebook was all text driven.  As soon as they increased their capacity to stream more videos there was an explosion. Now over 90% of all posts on Facebook have a video attached to them. There is an old Chinese saying that says “a picture is worth a thousand words.” If that's true then an image from video camera that takes 60 pictures a second is worth a fortune.


Just look at this quote from a recent article in the Guardian Magazine...”Video is the future of content marketing...various studies show more than half of companies are already making use of the medium – a figure that's predicted to rise as more and more realize the possibilities. Nielsen claims 54% of marketers expect video to dominate their strategies in the near future. It's not difficult to see why.

When it comes to potential reach, video is peerless. YOUTUBE RECEIVES MORE THAN ONE BILLION VISITORS EVERY MONTH – more than any other channel apart from Facebook. One in three peoploe view at least three videos a day– that's a weekly audience of more than 20 million people in the UK alone. Video can give you access to all this. Video done well can give you a slice of it. What other form of content can do the same?”


What the Numbers Say

Statistics that we have researched here at Reel Easy Video show us that using video will generate response rates online of 83% and higher. Video is the new branding tool. Gone are the days of the never ending sales letter filled with infamous run on sentences. Today all you need is a good well produced high quality video with powerful content and you can have big results, bigger even those highly accredited gurus with "massive" mailing lists.


If you have been paying attention at all to the expert marketplace information gurus, personal development and even some forward thinking realtors, you can’t deny that video is taking over. Do you want a piece of it? Reel Easy Video can help you take you place on the online marketing revolution.


Since we can agree that video is becoming “the way" to brand, then the next pressing issue for you to consider is: the home spun organic video versus the highly polished and professional video and what role these types of videos play.



 Both are relevant, however each plays a very specific role. It’s important to not only understand this but to realize when the homespun choice is the correct one and when the polished professional video is appropriate. Realizing that both are needed is the first point. It is not only a fact, it is something to plan on as you set up your own branding and marketing strategies.


Highy Polished Professional Video

Why use Reel Easy Video to create a highly polished and professional video? Simply because the viewers of your videos are going to compare what they are watching to what they see everyday on T.V. and in Movies and Commercials – and you are competing with what to their brain registers as “professional” and “successful” versus the “home movie” impression that many homespun and organic videos can make. Home movies are fun but they don’t translate into a professional and profitable appearance, unless the genre is specific to your brand. Sure, it would be great to say that the quality of your content should be all that matters and I don’t disagree, content is a very important factor but the reality is that we can’t change the way the public perceives things.


If you have homespun organic videos providing excellent information to your audience they will watch you. However when it comes to spending dollars with you they will more then likely transact their business with the person who has the polished appearance.  In your potential customer's mind the polish equates to success and profits and they will want to do business with the person they see as the more successful one. Unfortunately, in this case, all of your great content could end up being a great commercial for your competitor.


Fair?  No, but it is what it is.

Let Reel Easy Video professionals help you to make sure to have at least three polished professional videos introducing you to the public in the greatest light possible. The content of these videos and how they should be presented on your website etc. is another conversation, but one I’m strongly suggesting you consider as you move forward. The only exception to this would be if you want and are willing to become your own studio and produce professional videos yourself.


We feel so strongly about this that We believe if you don’t have a professional video of yourself or your business on your website then no matter how much great information you provide you are primarily acting as a spokesperson for your industry and not yourself and you deserve better than that. Find out more about how you can get a highly polished and professional video by opting into the special offer on the home page of this website and get the results you deserve. Remember professional videos give you the professional edge. Let us at Reel Easy Video help you Shine On Line!




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